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Cia Himian Li is a transmedia artist, and an educator.


She is interested in flowing energy under the surface of the visual world. She takes "sound" as crucial senses and practices medium in her creation, to explore the reflecting relations between consciousness, environment, memory(history) and life, particularly the instigating, interfering or restraining power among it, through hearing fluctuation and transmission of sound. Her works present the linkage and invisible energy that happened among flowing time between human and the environment; reveal various relations and connections of cause and effect. As is her regular approach, she juxtaposes different media, sounds, on-site installation, performance or painting to represent her works. To her, sounds express our awareness and conscious through vibrations, they represent the relationship between the subject making the sounds as well as their consequential statuses of existence. Her artworks have been presented in Taiwan, the United States, South Korea, Germany and China through different residency projects and exhibitions. She is also the founder of Incorrect Lab, currently lives and works in Tainan, Taiwan


She is also the founder of Incorrect Lab, currently lives and works in Tainan, Taiwan.

Lí Him-iân Cia  (李欣芫)



關注視覺世界表層下的流動能量。以「聲音」作為主要感官與實踐媒材。透過聆聽聲響、波的變幻和傳送,探索意識、環境、記憶(歷史)與生命之間的映照關係,其中的牽制、引導、介入的力量。在作品中呈現人與環境在時間流動下所發生的連動以及不可視的能量,揭示不同互為因果的連結。作品常以聲音、現地裝置、⾏為、繪畫等元素互⽂並置。對她而言,聲音是意識與覺知的振動,也是訊息的語言,更是表述個體與群體關係的存在證明。作品曾透過不同駐地計畫與展覽發表於美國、韓國、德國與中國各處。 她亦為「不正確」實驗室主持⼈,居住工作於台灣台南。


Cia Himiân Lí     |    李欣芫 

Born in Taipei, Taiwan

Lives and works in Tainan, Taiwan


2008    M.F.A, Gradual Institute of the Plastic Art,

            Tainan national university of the art, Taiwan

2004    B.A, Fine Art and Crafts Education(Major in oil painting),

            National Hsin-chu Teachers College, Taiwan


Artist in Residence

2024   Soulangh Artists-in-Residence Program for 2024, Soulangh Artist Village, Taiwan

2020   Ting Shuo Tainan AIR, Tainan, Taiwan

2019   Water Spread-San Jose "2019 Arts and Cultural Exchange Grant", San Jose CA, U.S.A

2017   Bamboo Curtain Studio “2017 International Residency Exchange Program”: Jeonbuk Museum of Art, Korea

Solo Exhibitions

2017    Place Ⅱ:Collection of Understanding. FreeS Art Space, Taipei Taiwan

2017    The rains came (비,오다。) Jeonbuk Museum of Art (Residency multi-room), Korea

2016    Place [Ⅰ]: The Vanished "Future City", BookSite, Tainan Taiwan

2013    Smaragdgrünen und Ultramarin(Emerald and ultramarine)Cologne Germany

2010    Ensemble, c’est tout.(Be together, that's all.) YU-SHIU ART Space, Hsin-Chu Taiwan

2007    Fairy Tale & Aside, BUTCHART Contemporary, Taipei Taiwan

2006    Once upon the time, SLYart, Taipei Taiwan

2006    Then, she has pieces of shade left. , Taiwan New Art Union Taiwan


Group Exhibitions

2023    Water Says, Live Forever Foundation, Taitiong, Taiwan

2022    Chheng-chhun Niá, Xinying Art Festival, Tainan Taiwan

2021    Touching upon of the Reverse Side of Landscape, Tainan Art Museum, Tainan Taiwan

            Absence・Evidenc, Absolute  Space for the Arts x TENTACLES ART SPACE, Online Exhibition

            A Double of Nature Next Art Tainan, Aglow Art Space, Tainan Taiwan

2020    Marks of Old Friends: Cultivation of the Elderly, Xinying Art Festival, Tainan Taiwan

2018    Site of Consciousness_Council Room, Tainan city council (Minjhih Council Hall), Tainan Taiwan 

2015    The Great Scenery, Absolute Space for the Arts, Tainan Taiwan

2013    Ducks and drakes, Café Showroom, Taipei Taiwan

2011    Table Manners, BUTCHART Contemporary, Taipei Taiwan

2009    About the Orientation of 21 Century Artists, Kuandu Museum of Fine Art, Taipei

2008    2008 Very Fun Park, Fubon Art Foundation, Taipei Taiwan

2008    Gaze & Glance, SOKA Art Center, Tainan Taiwan

2007    Sensitivity—Memories of twelve artists’ works, Dimensions Art Center, Beijing China

2006    Keyword:Youth, Apertures, Aroma, Mestizo, Fetishism, Autism, Fashion, Low, Desire-The 9th Graduate 

            Exhibition of Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts, TNNUA, Art Site of Chia-Yi Railway Warehouse, Taiwan

2006    I said before, The Visual Building of T.N.N.U.A., Tainan Taiwan

2005    にガワ, Chiao-Nan Community, Yan-Shui, Tainan county Taiwan

2005    It is neglected that big the beginning in ancient times, we once met by chance read the women creator of new

            generation from the maternal instinct pedigree of the Greek mythology, Contemporary art center of

            the Tainan national university of Arts

2005    Mirror image- From others and difference, The Art Center of TNNUA, Tainan Taiwan

2005    OFF, The Visual Building Of T.N.N.U.A., Tainan Taiwan

2004    ON, The Visual Building Of T.N.N.U.A., Tainan Taiwan

Grants & Awards 

2023    LOM+You, selected Artist, Global   

2021    2021 Next Art Tainan, Winner, Taiwan

2020    Project Grant by National Human Rights Museum

2019    International Cultural Exchange Grant by National Culture and Arts Foundation

2019    Arts and Cultural Exchange Grant by San Jose United States

2018    Exhibitions Grant by The Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government

2016    Bronze Medal, "Smile Taiwan" Creative teaching plan

2006    Best-selected, 4th Tao Yuan Create Award, Taiwan

2002    Excellent-selected in Watercolor, Hsin-chu Art Award, Taiwan

2001    Excellent-selected in Watercolor, Hsin-zhuang Art Award, Taiwan

2008  國立台南藝術大學造形藝術研究所  藝術碩士 (M.F.A.)

2004  國立新竹師範學院93級美勞教育系 藝術教育學士 (B.A)




2024  蕭壠國際藝術家進駐計畫,台灣台南

2020  聽說駐村 ,聽說聲音工作室,台灣台南

2019 「水蔓延-聖荷西」駐地創作,美國聖荷西市

2017  竹圍工作室2017國際藝術進駐交換計畫:韓國,全北道立美術館




2017  地方Ⅱ:理解的收藏。福利社 FreeS Art Space,台北,台灣

2017  The rains came.(비,오다。)。全北道立美術館創作工作室,韓國

2016  消失的「未來城市」-地方〔Ⅰ〕,曬書店,台南

2013  祖母綠與群青。Gemeinschaftspraxis für Hausärztliche Versorgung Flittard 科隆,德國

2010  在一起,就好。  毓繡藝術空間,新竹

2007  旁白‧童話   布查當代藝術空間,台北

2006  從前     新樂園藝術空間,台北

2006  於是,她剩下一張張的影子。   台灣新藝,台南




2024   我們從河而來:流域千年.文化共筆 。臺南市美術館 2館,台南

2023   水曰。陸府生活美學教育基金會,台中

2022   青春嶺。第十屆新營藝術季「銀齡風潮」,新營文化中心,台南 

2021   碰觸到風景背後的那一刻_在地連結展,臺南美術館,台南  



2020   老友記:長者養成須知,新營藝術季,台南

2018   意識現場_議事廳,臺南市議會民治議事廳,台南

2015   「大景」當代藝術聯展,絕對空間,台南

2013   打水飄,啵啵啵 紙上作品展,Café Showroom,台北

2011   餐桌禮儀,布查當代藝術空間,台北

2009   21世紀少年—遊牧座標,關渡美術館,台北

2008   2008粉樂町,富邦藝術基金會,台北

2008   GG(Gaze & Glance),台南索卡藝術中心,台南

2007   溫存---關於記憶的十二種繪本,帝門藝術中心,北京

2006   關鍵詞-青春、洞、香味、交混、拜物、自溺、入時、淺、欲求–國立臺南藝術大學造形藝術研究所第九屆畢業


2006   前文我已說過,台南藝術大學視覺一館,台南

2005   苦汁にガワ,橋南老街,台南

2005   洪荒古代之初,我們曾經邂逅—從希臘神話的母性系譜閱讀新世代女性創作者,南藝當代藝術中心,網路策展   

2005   鏡像-他者與差異–國立台南藝術學院造形藝術研究所展,台南藝象藝文空間,台南

2005   OFF,台南藝術大學,台南

2004   ON,台南藝術大學,台南



2023  LOM+You,國際徵件獲贊助藝術家

2021  2021台南新藝獎  得主藝術家

2020  國家人權博物館 教育推廣創作計畫補助

2019  國家文化藝術基金會2019第四期國際文化交流獎助

2019  美國聖荷西市文化部藝術交換獎 (2019 Arts and Cultural Exchange Grant)

2018  台南市文化局視覺藝術類展覽補助

2016  微笑台灣・創意教案  參獎

2006  第四屆桃源創作獎,優選

2002  竹塹美展水彩類佳作

2001  新莊美展水彩類佳作




2013,群青No. 5,私人收藏,台北市,台灣


2007,Night Time-3,私人收藏,台北市,台灣





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